Wednesday, February 24, 2010


for the last few days ive been so busy working and cleaning and going through stuff to get rid of, that i havent had time to blog on here. plus nothing really exciting happening either. I went to the dentist today, which normally i dont mind(Idont fear the dentist lol) however today he was pretty annoying trying to convince me to do so many expensive things. I had 2 cavities that needed to be filled thats why i was there but also to check out a tooth that approx 8 months ago broke in half and he told me to save. well sure enough it broke again, I suggested just pulling it to save time and money but nooo he wants me to fix it again (òh itll only come to $2000!) yikes so i told him id think about it. well then he starts going on that i have 2 wisdom teeth still ya well they have been there for about 10 years and havent givin me trouble. well he wants to pull them and oh thats only another $2000, then he want to whiten my teeth a little he says working in a public place like i do, it would be nice well thats only a few hundred. Yeesh what does he think Im made of, its deffinately not cash!

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