Wednesday, February 3, 2010

no bread

well i ended up getting called to work and then some of my friends wanted to go to a movie so i didnt make any bread oh well i guess i will have to try another day. what is new well my puppy is almost 5 months and still acts very immature at times im trying to let it go but it can be frustrating, for example i came home yesterday to discover that he had eaten my good pair of winter boots and peed in the house which he hasnt done in a long time. we were only gone for about 2.5 hours so that shouldnt have happened. I have to keep reminding myself that our firts dog was a miracle puppy i guess (never had an accident in the house fully trained by 3 months never any chewing or humping, wanted to learn and please us) where as Ace the new puppy is a typical puppy. oh well he will grow out of it soon. Hmm what else is new well I have started attempting to entertain again, we are hosting a bbq on friday and i will be throwing and Epicure party in a few weeks. so thats good. However for a low point this month has come and gone still not pregnant so a shit load more testing, monitoring, and experimenting await me in a couple day woo hoo. itll be worth it in the end i guess. ok ill write to you all later. ciao


  1. I've been dealing with pee all day today too!

    I hope you have good luck with your fertility treatments (and the artisan bread!). It seems sometimes that life is so unfair to have to work at something that comes naturally (and sometimes unwanted) to others.

  2. i agree completely it seems like a lot of the time its peiple who dont wan tthem or appreciate them that keep poppin out babies. but oh well for now.. you have a puppy as well? theyre so great most of the time lol.
